Cookie Policy

Who We Are

Here at RNB Solar, we are dedicated to protecting your data. Our policies are often updated to keep in line with new laws, so please make sure you are up to date with our policies.

It is important to highlight that RNB Solar is the trading name of RNB Solar electrical and security Ltd. Our website address is: If you have any queries concerning your personal data please feel free to contact us directly via:

What Personal Data We Will Collect And Why

Cookies are data files placed on your device which include unique information. RNB Solar may place cookies or similar files onto your device (with your permission of course), in order to personalise your online experience with us. Cookies allow us to collect technical information such as the pages you’ve visited, and the time spent on our sites. We will then use this information to run ads towards either yourself or users that are identified to have similar interests as yourself. You always have the option to disable your cookies, however the site functionality may be reduced. Cookies are stored for one year and help make your experience with RNB Solar more delightful.

A name you can trust

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